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Need 2 Know Campaigns

Need 2 Know are currently educating children about the dangers of drugs, tobacco and alcohol through the  Need 2 Know programme.

The  Need 2 Know programme was designed in association with Channel 4 educational writers and is curriculum coded for primary schools throughout the UK. It is also suitable for 7 to 11 year old children in youth organisations.


450 children start smoking each day, some as young as 5 years old. A third of these children will die prematurely as a result of their addiction to tobacco.


The NHS have reported that in England alone over 3,300 children between the ages of 7 to 15 have to attend hospital
A & E departments as a result of binge drinking.

The Alcohol and Drug Advisory Scheme Stated  our youngest patient this year was 10 years of age and was drinking over 40 units of alcohol every weekend .

According to the British Medical Association an epidemic of binge drinking in young people is upon us. This is evidenced by the drop in the average age of people suffering from cirrhosis of the liver from 50 to 20.


The British Governments National Drugs Helpline (NDH) receives over ¼ of a million calls from children each year.
The NDH state that as many as ¼ million children could be taking Class A drugs. These children will start illegal drug use after they have been influenced by their peers and drug dealers.

Sadly we are all well aware of how innocent people become victims of violence, crime and anti-social behaviour as a direct result of drug and alcohol abuse in young people.

To combat the dangers our children face and the resulting destructive impact on the community, Need 2 Know initiated the programme, which tackles these problems at a grass roots level.

Need 2 Know invites you to join us by supporting a school or youth organisation of your choice in your local area.

With your help we can educate and protect young children and improve life in the community.

Thank you for your interest and please remember any level of support you can provide will make a real difference.

Need 2 Know - Guide to drugs tobacco & alcohol

Educational Safety Programmes